Cuando Caitlin me escribió el primer correo, supe que éste iba a ser un trabajo muy especial. Ella y su marido Anthony habían tenido a su primer hijo Malcolm en Sevilla, y dentro de pocos meses debían volver a Estados Unidos, su país de origen. Ellos deseaban llevarse un pedacito de su vida en Sevilla, de su casa y de sus recuerdos para que cuando Malcolm creciera pudiera ver cómo era su vida en España, sus lugares favoritos, su cunita o su perro Enzo. Y es que muchas veces, como fotógrafo de familia y niños tenemos entre manos una gran responsabilidad y la maravillosa oportunidad de poder captar la energía y las emociones de una familia, el amor de unos padres a su hijo, el amor en estado puro. Gracias por brindarme esta oportunidad… mil gracias.
When Caitlin first wrote to me, I knew that this was going to be a very special job. She and her husband, Anthony had had their first child, Malcolm in Seville, and within a few months they would be returning to the United States. They wanted to take with them a small piece of their life in Seville, of their home and their memories so that when Malcolm grew up he could see how his life was in Spain, his favorite places, his crib and their dog Enzo. As it often is, as a photographer of families and children we have in our hands a great responsibility and the marvelous opportunity to be able to capture the energy and the emotions of a family, the love of parents for their child, love in it’s purest state. Thank you for giving me this opportunity… a million thanks.